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PeqGOLD Total RNA Kit (Safety Line)

Zeptejte se


- Suitable for the simultaneous
processing of multiple samples
- No need for organic extractions
- No need for time-consuming
alcohol precipitations
- Immediate inactivation of exogenous
and endogenous RNases
- Favored binding of RNA
molecules > 200 bases
- Efficient separation of enzyme
inhibitors and contaminants
- Final elution in RNase free water
- Two types of columns for increased
sample and user protection or easy
The peqGOLD Total RNA Kit uses the
reversible binding properties of the
silica based PerfectBind RNA Column.
Samples are first lysed under denaturing
conditions. The lysate is then applied to
the PerfectBind column. The Total RNA
selectively binds to the silica matrix, can
then be washed and eluted with RNase
free water at the end.


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0,- Kč Celkem

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