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Each software has more types of license available. The price of software is influenced by more factors. Once you buy the software, it works permanently, but you can also buy additional technical support for receiving updates and for getting technical assistance. There is a table of product possibilities: 



Standalone Program and single user license 

Network Version and single user license 

Site License

Additional User licenses for Standalone program

Additional user licenses for Network version

Annual technical assistance and update subscription for basic license

Annual technical assistance and update subscription for additional licenses (each)

JelMarker™ was developed in response to a growing demand for software that can analyze fluorescence, chemiluminescence and autoradiography gel image files - especially those from LI-COR's 4300 DNA Analyzer and KODAK's Image Station 4000R. With JelMarker you can import up to two TIFF, BIP, JPEG, and TXT files for simultaneous analysis. JelMarker™ exports SCF files for easy upload to the fragment analysis software: GeneMarker®.


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