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Kit for rapid, enzymatic purification of PCR products. Sample size: 20 μl of the PCR reaction mixture.

EPPiC - Enzymatic Post­PCR immediate Clean Up


The EPPIC mixture contains two enzymes that effectively degrade dNTPs and primers left­overs from previous PCR mixtures while remaining the double stranded DNA PCR products untouched. EPPIC enzymes are active at 37°C in standard buffers used in PCR and are completely thermally inactivated by 15 min at 70°C incubation. The EPPIC purified PCR fragments are free from dNTPs and original PCR primers and may be directly used in downstream applications including nested, second round PCR, SNP analysis, molecular cloning and cycle sequencing reactions.








 100 or 500 reactions in 10 ul 


 Recombined thermolabile nucleotide hydrolase

 Recombined exonuclease I 


 -20°C (we do not recommend  freezing in - 80˚C because it can influence on activity of the mix)


  sequencing, cloning, SNP analysis, PCR





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