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NTRK Gene Fusions Detection Kit

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NTRK Gene Fusions Detection Kit
For qualitative detection of 109 fusions in NTRK1, NTRK2, NTRK3 genes.
NTRK (Neurotrophic tropomyosin-related kinase) is the name of a family of three genes (NTRK1, 2 & 3) encoding tropomyosin receptor kinases (TRK) A, B, & C. NTRK proteins, upon NGF ligand binding, function in the phosphorylation of members of the RAS/MAPK, PI3K/AKT, PLC-γ pathways that play a key role in cell proliferation, differentiation, and the development of proprioceptive neurons.
Gene translocations in NTRK1/2/3 genes result in TRK fusion proteins that are aberrantly expressed and constitutively active have been associated with tumor growth. NTRK fusious occur in a wide variety of adult and pediatric solid tumors with varying prevalence, such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, non-small cell lung cancer and glioblastoma. The treatment of patients with NTRK fusion-positive cancers with TRK inhibitors is associated with high response rates, regardless of tumor histology. In May 2019, FDA approved first NTRK inhibitor loratrectinib for patients with NTRK fusion-positive solid tumor.
AmoyDx® NTRK Gene Fusions Detection Kit is a real-time PCR assay for qualitative detection of 109 fusions of NTRK1/2/3 genes in human total RNA extracted from solid tumor formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples.

Technological Principles
The kit is based on two major processes:
1) Reverse Transcription: extracted RNA from FFPE tumor tissue is employed in this step, reverse transcription of target RNA enables complementary DNA
 (cDNA) synthesis with the action of reverse transcriptase and specific primers.
2) PCR Amplification: the specific primers
 are designed for amplification of NTRK variant cDNA, and mutant amplicon is detected by fluorescent probes labeled with FAM, while reference gene amplicon is detected by fluorescent probe labeled with VIC/HEX.


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